Whitney Creek highlights
The completed bridge over Whitney Creek.
Project oVerview
Started: 9/19 Completed: 10/22
Whitney Creek is a tributary of the Kilchis River in Tillamook County, Oregon. It is entirely on Oregon Dept. of Forestry (ODF) lands. Currently, it is a low gradient stream with long riffles, low complexity pools, and very little large wood. The riparian area is alder dominated with small groups of conifers. The culvert had an approximate 4-foot drop to bedrock with no pool and is a complete barrier to adult and juvenile passage. The area upstream of the culvert has potential as a habitat restoration site once fish passage is improved. The area downstream is lacking gravel and sediments due to the culvert barrier. This project will remove an undersized culvert and replace it with a bridge, and improve transport of sediment and large wood.
The project restores access for adult and juveniles to 1.2 miles of habitat for anadromous fish species including ESA listed coho salmon, Chinook salmon, steelhead, and pacific lamprey which are all present in the Kilchis River at the mouth of Whitney Creek (320 feet from the project site).
Completed Solution
The barrier culvert was replaced with a 115’ bridge. Large wood and root wads were placed downstream of the bridge to capture sediment and rebuild the stream bed. Root wads were placed upstream for habitat enhancement.
Highly successful Partnership
Salmon SuperHwy partners combined technical skills and funding to achieve this win-win for fish, water quality and transportation. The project was lead by the Oregon Department of Forestry. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the US Fish and Wildlife Services provided funding, technical assistance, permit support, and design review. The Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife provided. Trout Unlimited provided administrative support.
Restores access to 1.2 miles of anadromous fish habitat
Improves sediment and large wood transport
Provides safe, climate-resilient access for people fishing, hunting, recreating, and working in the Kilchis
Oregon Department of Forestry, US Fish and Wildlife Service, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Trout Unlimited
cost + funding
ODF: $727,714
USFWS: $5,000
NOAA: $100,000
ODFW: $1500
TU: $2000