Chance Creek highlights
The completed bridge over Chance Creek.
“Aside from the SSH project,
we’ve done a lot of stream-side planting and fencing for the good of the fish that essentially take land out of production. People are quick to point fingers at agriculture when it comes to environmental practices and fish population, but not quick to praise. It would be good for people to know farmers are doing good things.
Project oVerview
Started: 9/19 Completed: 10/22
This project improved a fish passage barrier on Chance Creek, restoring access to up to 1.7 miles of low gradient habitat for the Federally listed Oregon Coast coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch), chum, steelhead, and chinook, as well as lamprey, and cutthroat. The Chance Creek crossing was an undersized 3.3-foot round concrete culvert, located on private farmland approximately 2,000 feet upstream of the confluence of Chance Creek and the Trask River. The undersized culvert required regular maintenance to remove debris and flow blockages. The project installed a 21’10” x 8'5" aluminum box culvert on Chance Creek and improved an associated access road to reduce sediment runoff. Chance Creek is a tributary to the lower Trask River, which drains into Tillamook Bay.
Oregon Coast coho (Oncorhynchus kisutch), chum, steelhead, and Chinook, as well as lamprey, and cutthroat all will benefit from this project. Spawning Chinook salmon were observed at the project site in November, 2022, when the fall rains arrived after project completion.
Completed Solution
The new culvert allows the creek to function as a normal stream at the road crossing location with lower channel velocity, no perch, and more available bank shoreline and natural stream bottom that will improve passage for aquatic organisms.
Culverts upstream of this one are in the early stages of landowner coordination and project development. These future projects would be funded through Salmon SuperHwy and NRCS Regional Conservation Partnership Program.
Highly successful Partnership
The Alder Creek project was successfully implemented with the collaboration of Salmon SuperHwy partners. Federal and state agencies, local non-profits, and a willing private landowner combined technical skills and funding to remove an in-stream barrier and reconnect high quality spawning and rearing habitat.
The USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service and Nestucca Neskowin Sand Lake Watersheds Council (NNSLWC) led the project. The US Forest Service provided surveys, permitting assistance and oversaw project implementation. The US Fish and Wildlife Service provided technical assistance, design review and cash contribution. NNSLWC provided project management, state & local permitting and contracting. The Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife provided technical assistance in project implementation.
Improves access to 1.7 miles of anadromous fish habitat
Improves sediment and large wood transport
Provide safe access for livestock and farm equipment
Trout Unlimited, Natural Resources Conservation Service, US Fish and Wildlife, Tillamook County Creamery Association, Oregon Dept. of Fish and Wildlife and private landowner.
cost + funding
NRCS: $38,992 + $70,000 in kind
USFWS: $48,297 cash + $10,000 in kind
Tillamook County Creamery Association: $25,868
ODFW: $71,719
TU: $3,000