Jewel Creek highlights
The completed bridge over Jewel Creek
Jewel Creek is a highly productive tributary for aquatic species and includes Coho, Chinook, Chum (historically), Cutthroat Trout, Steelhead, Sculpin, Pacific Lamprey, Pacific Giant salamander, Crawdads, and a variety of frogs, but three road crossings with undersized culverts in poor condition were limiting fish passage and natural stream function. A private landowner partnered with Natural Resource Conservation Services, Nestucca Neskowin Sand Lake Watersheds Council, and other partners to replace the upper two barriers on the stream. A third culvert on Sand Lake Road was replaced in 2019, and with that, all spawning and rearing habitat on Jewel Creek will be accessible and barrier free.
Multiple agency and partner personnel transported all the aquatic species out of the work area to safe stream sections prior to construction. Coastway Construction was the construction company and Natural Resources Conservation Services did the engineering.
• 2.7 miles of spawning and rearing habitat is reconnected, and stream processes restored
• Road failure due to storms minimized
Nestucca Neskowin Sand Lake Watersheds Council, Natural Resources Conservation Services, US Forest Service, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Trout Unlimited, OR Dept. of Fish and Wildlife, Tillamook County Public Works