Tributary to Juno Creek highlights
A Salmon SuperHwy first: barrier problem solved with a low water roughened channel ford.
“This was the first ford crossing project implemented by the Salmon SuperHwy and we are excited to continue restoration work at this site with additional planting and invasive species removal.
Project oVerview
Started: 2/22 Completed: 7/23
This unnamed creek is a tributary to Juno Creek and is located on Tillamook Creamery property. The creek flowed through two side by side culverts that were both collapsing, antiquated, and partially blocking fish passage at the site. These culverts are situated under an unused, gated logging road. Quality rearing habitat in the form of wetlands are both above and below the culverts while further upstream there is potential spawning habitat for anadromous species. Trout Unlimited (TU) along with the Tillamook County Creamery Association (TCCA) removed the two problem culverts and replaced them with a low water roughened channel ford that restored fish passage at the site, improved natural stream function, and reconnected the upstream and downstream wetland.
Completed Solution
The roughened channel ford crossing was implemented in the summer of 2023 during the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife In-Water-Work-Window. Construction of the ford crossing took approximately one week and was the first ford crossing utilized for a Salmon SuperHwy reconnection project. After the project was implemented, Tillamook Estuaries Partnership (TEP) went into contract with Trout Unlimited through their Back Yard Planting Program (BYPP) to plant additional native wetland species withing the wetland upstream of the new ford crossing. Planting efforts will commence during the winter season of 2024/2025 and will also involve significant invasive species removal.
Highly successful Partnership
The Tributary to Juno Creek Fish Passage and Wetland Restoration project was successfully implemented with the close collaboration of Salmon SuperHwy partners. Federal and state agencies along with local non-profits and the Tillamook County Creamery combined technical skills and funding to implement this fish passage project and fully reconnect the Juno Creek system.
Trout Unlimited worked closely with the Tillamook County Creamery Association, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Tillamook Estuaries Partnership, and the Back Yard Planting Program to secure permitting for the project in an expedited manor to capitalize on working with a motivated landowner.
Restores access to over a mile of anadromous fish habitat known to support multiple species
Reconnects a large wetland complex to the rest of the Juno Creek system
Improves sediment transport and natural stream function
Invasive species removal and native plant reintroduction
Trout Unlimited, Tillamook County Creamery Association, US Fish and Wildlife Service, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board, Tillamook Estuaries Partnership
cost + funding
TOTAL PROJECT: $172,367 (includes in-kind)
TCCA Donation: $60,000
OWEB: $52,867
USFWS: $47,000
In-kind funding provided by: TCCA and USFWS